Quick & Easy – Activities

Post-it Name Match – Match family names on sticky notes

Animal Parade – Make a parade on tape

Box Road – Use a box to create a unique city

Number Line Sorting – Sort out the number line with sticky notes

Sticker Line-Up – Use dot stickers to trace over lines

Hidden Colors Science – A fun twist on baking soda and vinegar

Pom Pom Drop / Ramp – Save those toilet paper tubes to make a ramp system!

ABC Post-it Match – Match up the ABCs on sticky notes

Shape Sorting – Sort real world objects by shape

Card Slot Drop – A quick activity for young toddlers

Animal Tape Rescue – Rescue animals trapped by tape

Alphabet Find Race – Kids race around the house to find their Abcs

Find the Shape – A shapes and coloring activity

Match & Glue – Matching pom pom balls to colors and gluing them

Erase the ABCs – Erase letter written in dry erase markers

DIY Ball Ramp – Create a DIY ball ramp from a box

Art – Activities

Body Painting Process Art – Trace your child and let them paint their “body”

Painting Dinosaurs – Paint dinosaurs or other plastic toys

Decorating Extreme Boxes – How to take box decorating to an extreme level

Paint the Trash – Nothing classier than painting trash!

Creation Station – Build and create with recycled items

Painting Ice Cubes – Painting ice cubes is so cool and fun

Shape Art Activity – Paint overlapping shapes on a large scale

Bath Tub Artist – Let toddlers paint in the bath tub

Rainbow Dot Sticker Art – Create a rainbow sticker sorting activity

Sensory Bins – Activities

Rice Bin – A simple rice sensory bin

Funnels and Rainbow Rice – Play with rice and funnels

Indoor Pouring Station – Create an indoor pouring station

Dinosaur Toy Bath – Give those dinosaur toys a bath

Oobleck Party – Have you made oobleck? It’s a must!

Bubble Foam Trucks – Play with bubble foam – just three ingredients that you have!

Ice Bin Scoop & Transfer – Scooping and transferring ice is so fun

Puzzle Sorting Station – Mix up puzzles to create a simple sensory and sorting bin

Toy Washing Station – Wash the plastic toys as an activity

LEGO Duplo Bath – Put the DUPLOS in the bath!

Popsicle Bath – Let your child enjoy a Popsicle in the tub

Paw Patrol Search & Rescue – Rescue the pups from water (or any favorite toy)

Pom Pom Soup – Pom pom balls CAN GET WET!

Rice Bin Scoop & Transfer – A rice scooping station is so peaceful

Color Bath – Create a color themed bath for kids

Making Potions – Let kids get creative and make potions

Mammoth Hot Springs Trails – Virtual Field Trip

“For hundreds of years, Shoshone and Bannock people collected minerals from Mammoth Hot Springs for white paint. These minerals contribute to the beautiful terrace structures, along with heat, a natural “plumbing” system, water, and limestone.

The volcanic heat source for Mammoth Hot Springs remains somewhat of a mystery. Scientists have proposed two sources, including the large magma chamber underlying the Yellowstone Caldera, or perhaps a smaller heat source closer to Mammoth.”

Click here for virtual field trip – https://www.nps.gov/thingstodo/yell-mammoth-hot-springs-trails.htm

Mud Volcano Trail – Virtual Field Trip

“Yellowstone itself is a volcano, and one of its most spectacular eruptions occurred 640,000 years ago. During the eruption, the land collapsed and left a large depression in the earth—the Yellowstone Caldera. This caldera filled with lava flows over hundreds and thousands of years creating the volcanic plateau that comprises much of the central part of the park.” Click here for the virtual tour – https://www.nps.gov/thingstodo/yell-mud-volcano-trails.htm

San Diego Zoo – Virtual Field Trip

The San Diego Zoo has a website just for kids with amazing videos, activities, and games. Enjoy the tour!

It’s never too early to foster a love for animals and their habitats. Through animal stories, videos, crafts and activities, conservation projects, games, and more, San Diego Zoo Kids website piques children’s interest in feathered, furred, and finned friends, as well as those with scales and antennae! From meeting Zoo and Safari Park residents to reading about efforts to save habitats and the animals that call them home, San Diego Zoo Kids is your connection.